ɬuhuyalikʷ čəɬ ʔə kʷi hikʷ yəy̓duʔ. ʔah kʷi č̓uʔ qʷəɬayʔ ʔal tiʔiɬ sbadbadil gʷəɬ sqaǰətabš. ƛ̕al̕ bəʔah kʷi č̓uʔ qʷəɬayʔ ʔal ti sbadbadil gʷəɬ sdukʷalbixʷ.

We will make a big swing. One post will be in the north side of the pass (the mountains belonging to Skagit) and the other will be in the south side. (the mountains belonging to Snoqualmie)

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